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  • Japanese


  1. Notes and data migration method after graduation or retirement
  2. About Box
  3. Logging into and out of Box
  4. Basic operations of Box
  5. Sharing a document
  6. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
    1. Is it possible to use Box immediately after getting keioID?
    2. How should I properly use my personal Box account?
    3. Till which generation can I perform version control?
    4. Can I use Box Sync?
    5. How should I properly use Box and Google Drive?
    6. I can not upload a folder on Box using Internet Explorer.
    7. I can not upload a folder on Box using Safari with Mac OS.
    8. I have already gone to register a free Box account with the keio mail.
    9. Box use after graduation.
    10. Which external applications can I use to cooperate with Box?
    11. Inviting @adst.keio.ac.jp address to collaborator does not work.
    12. Is API (Application Programming Interface) available?
    13. You want to allow people who do not have a Box account to upload files
    14. I use the Box application on a mobile terminal, but I lost my terminal.
    15. Downloaded .zip folder displays corrupt characters
    16. Message "This application cannot be used because it is not allowed by your Box adminstrator." is displayed.
    17. Invalid Login Credentials Error on Login
    18. Specification of supported browsers and OS for Box
    19. Maximum File Size for uploading in Box
    20. How long does files and folders in the trash save?
    21. Setup the other languages
    22. Reset of browsers in trouble
    23. Disable of browsers of plugins, add-on and extensions in the trouble
    24. Specification and troubleshoot for previewing content
    25. Resolve of uploading in trouble
    26. Resolve of shared links in trouble
    27. Permission levels and each collaborators
    28. Resolve of collaboration trouble
    29. Resolve troubles of sharing contents and inviting collaborators
    30. Is there a limit to the data traffic for Box?


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Last-Modified: March 25, 2024

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