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FAQ about keio.jp and the Keio ID

  1. Who is allowed to have a Keio ID?
  2. Can I still use my Keio ID after I graduate or leave the university?
  3. Does my Keio ID have an expiration date?
  4. I would like to obtain a Keio ID. What should I do?
  5. Can members of my family also obtain a Keio ID?

  6. What are keio.jp and the Keio ID?
  7. I would like my Keio ID to be removed.
  8. The Keio ID looks like an email address.
  9. I want to change the Keio ID that I registered.
    I entered some wrong characters when I registered my Keio ID. Can I change the ID?
  10. Can I use my current email address as my Keio ID?

  11. What can I do with my Keio ID?

(Q1) Who can use a Keio ID?
(A1) At the present moment, only faculty members, students and correspondence course students enrolled at Keio University are allowed to have a Keio ID.

(Q2) Can I still use my Keio ID after I graduate or leave the university?
(A2) You can use your Keio ID while you are a student (or employed) at Keio University.
        Please keep in mind that Keio ID is also changed in connection with the service contents which can be used when a status is changed like teacher from student.
        Please apply at the local KIC administration office. to Continuous use the same Keio ID.
        For information on using the program after graduation, completion, withdrawal of credits, or retirement of faculty members, please refer to this page.
        Keio University alumni (who graduated from attendance-based programs in or after March 2015)
        Full-time faculty and staff members who retired (including those who chose to retire earlier) in or after March, 2019

(Q3) Does my Keio ID have an expiration date?
(A3) You can use your Keio ID while you are a student (or employed) at Keio University.

(Q4) I would like to obtain a Keio ID. What should I do?
(A4) The university administration notifies users when an ID is available.
        A notification is sent first to full-time faculty members and then to students.

(Q5) Can members of my family also obtain a Keio ID?
(A5) Only persons who are enrolled in or work at Keio University are allowed to use keio.jp.

(Q6) What are keio.jp and the Keio ID?
(A6) Please see About keio.jp and the Keio ID in the User's Guide.

(Q7) I would like my Keio ID to be removed.
(A7) Please contact the Help Desk.

(Q8) The Keio ID looks like an email address.
(A8) You can use your Keio ID as your email address for Keio Mail.

(Q9) I want to change the Keio ID that I registered.
        I entered some wrong characters when I registered my Keio ID. Can I change the ID?
(A9) In principle, a Keio ID that is already registered cannot be changed.
        Make sure to correctly specify your ID when you register.

(Q10) Can I use my current email address as my Keio ID?
(A10) No, you cannot. You must obtain your Keio ID using the activation procedure.

(Q11) What can I do with my Keio ID?
(A11) The Keio ID itself does not have any specific capabilities.
  You will be able to use various applications that are to be provided by Keio University in the future
  when authenticated through verification of your Keio ID.

Last-Modified: February 7, 2024

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