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How to connect ITC account Windows home drive

How to connect ITC account Windows home drive

Configuring the settings enables to access Windows home drive from PCs connecting to a wireless LAN or at home.

Download of connection support program

Download it before VPN connection.

  1. Download http://user.keio.ac.jp/netdrive.exe
    ※If you cannot download the file by clicking on the link, right-click the link and select [Save link as...].

    Notes: If you are still unable to connect to home drive after running this program, download http://user.keio.ac.jp/netdrive0.exe and try this.

  2. Right-click the downloaded netdrive and select [Properties] from the menu.

  3. Check [Unblock], click [OK] button, and close the dialog.

How to connect to VPN

How to connect to Windows home drive

Make sure you have VPN connection.

  1. Run netdrive.
    In some cases, you will be asked to set up .NET Framework 3.5, execute the setup.

  2. Enter your ITC account in [User Name], and click [OK] button.

  3. Enter your password in the password field and click [OK] button.
    ※If the username is not "KEIO\username", select [More choices], and enter "KEIO\username" and the password.

  4. When the authentication is successful, your home drive will be assigned to the available drive letter, and you can confirm this by opening [Computer] in Explorer.

How to disconnect

After disconnecting the home drive, disconnect VPN connection.

Right-click the assigned drive, and click [Disconnect] from the menu.

Last-Modified: January 30, 2025

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