The List of File-Sharing Software possibly-permitted to use
You may use the following file-sharing software only if permitted the reason for research and education activities on the application form you submit. See" in detail and "File-Sharing Software Appication Form" to download the application form.
- Gnutella and related software (BearShare, LimeWire, Cabos, Gnutella Light, FreeWire, NeoNapster, Qtraxmax, Gnucleus, Mactella etc.) [ update on 2010/10/25 ]
- WinMX and related software (iShare, Utatane etc.)
- Winny and related software (Poeny etc.) [ update on 2010/10/25 ]
- Share
- BitTorrent and related software (µTorrent, BitComet, Azureus, BitTorrent-function on Opera or networking equipment etc.) [ update on 2010/10/25 ]
- Perfect Dark [ add on 2010/10/25 ]
- KaZaA
- eDonkey and related software(OneMX etc.)
- Xunlei(迅雷) [ add on 2010/10/25 ]
Update History
- 2010/10/25 update the list.
- 2009/09/25 add "Share" on the list.
- 2003/08/13 add "BitTorrent" on the list.
- 2003/03/29 published.
Last-Modified: November 28, 2023
The content ends at this position.