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Information Providing Service for the case of Electric Outage
Fundamental Policy
We will do our best to keep the continuous use of following services:
-Information Service and Public Relations Tool such as Web page
-Communication Tool such as E-mail
Please note that Web page or E-mail services are unavailable on campus during electric outage.
Information Service and Public Relations Tool such as Web page
Even in case of electric outage on all campuses, we are already preparing to backup function outside the campus to keep our Web page services.
- Keio University https://www.keio.ac.jp/en/
- for Keio Students https://www.students.keio.ac.jp/en/
- Keio University Hospital http://www.hosp.keio.ac.jp/english/index_uc.htm
Communication Tool such as E-mail
"Keio Mail" is AVAILABLE for the case of electric outage on all campuses.
-unless having no trouble with datacenter environment
Last-Modified: November 30, 2023
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