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  • Japanese


This section describes the accounts required to use the "CanvasLMS".

Getting a Keio ID

To use the "CanvasLMS", you must have a Keio ID. If you have not obtained a Keio ID, please activate it from one of the following pages.

K-LMS (Canvas LMS) Lecture Attendee Registration

Apply to register as a lecture attendee on K-LMS (Canvas LMS) with the following.
* Around five days at the most are required for the application, approval and assignment processes to be completed.

Inquiry Form for IT-Related Topics (google.com)

Select or fill in the following details on the inquiry form, and apply accordingly.

お問い合わせ内容 / Details of your inquiry
K-LMS(CanvasLMS)に関して / About K-LMS(CanvasLMS)
お問い合わせの分類をご指定ください。/ Specify the type of your inquiry.
3.【申請】Canvas聴講生の登録/3. Application of special student
詳細な問合せ内容をご記載ください。 / List the details of your inquiry.
Name of course concerned / URL when accessing the course concerned on Canvas LMS(https://lms.keio.jp/courses/******)
  / Reason for registration / Applicant’s student ID number (separate the numbers with slash marks (/))


Last-Modified: April 3, 2023

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